Frequently Asked Questions

Find here the answers to the questions most frequently asked by the visitors of the ONJ Cameroon platform on the use of the system


  1. How to return to the home page from another page
  2. How to register as a youth and activate your account on the ONJ Cameroun platform?
  3. What is the format of the different registration form fields (email, phone, password, date of birth)?
  4. How do I sign up as a councelor?
  5. Can a young person between the ages of 15 and 35 belong to the "born about" category referred to in the registration form?
  6. What should I do so that the activation code for my account will be sent to me by SMS?
  7. How do I know that my profile picture will be updated before I click "Save"?
  8. What is a box office?
  9. What is "Youth Construction Site", what does it consist of?
  10. When registering an offer, when selecting the "Training" box office, one more part is added to the form and in this part there is a field named "Target level of studies", what is it?
  11. What is the "Corporate Name" that is requested on the Partner Registration Form?
  12. How do I know before I click "Register" that my password is valid, or does it match the one I'm putting up for confirmation?
  13. How do we know we've subscribed to the youth card?
  14. Why the rules and the forum help are not displayed?
  15. How do I comment a topic in the forum?
  16. How many districts can a partner add to their profile?
  17. Can we have a single account for all platform roles?
  18. Why should the partner's capital be expressed in millions of CFA Francs?
  19. What is preventing the removal of civic service from a young person?

How to return to the home page from another page

The easiest way to return to the home page from another page is to click on the platform logo at the top left corner of your screen (marked with ONJ Cameroun Web Platform). If you are on a portal page, you can also click on the Home entry of the menu at the left side of your screen; you get the same effect by clicking on the first node of the breadcrumb bar that appears in the top center of your screen and that shows your current position relatively to the site's map.

How to register as a youth and activate your account on the ONJ Cameroun platform?

To register on the ONJ platform as a young person, please go to the following address: Complete the registration form correctly and check the box "I have read and approved the NYO's charter of good conduct" before clicking on the "Register" button. If you get error messages, correct the errors indicated and submit the form again. Following the registration, a message containing the activation code is sent to you by e-mail (at the address provided during registration). Go to the page, enter your login, password (it is important to remember it) and the activation code received. Click on the "Confirm" button. If all goes well, you are redirected to the authentication page where you just have to re-enter your login and password. This is all you will have to do by then to access the platform. At the first access, you are automatically redirected to your profile page, do fill it wisely. You do not have to provide all profile information in a single session. You will be able to come back several times but it is important to fill in your profile correctly because it allows the counselors to better know the you and to have a precise idea of your expectations vis-a-vis the NYO. After that, you only have to wait for a counselor to contact you for further processing of your demand.

What is the format of the different registration form fields (email, phone, password, date of birth)?

The registration form fields have the following formats:

  • Email: username@domainname. The presence of the@ symbol is imperative (e.g.:, jeannot@suprahost)
  • Phone: any sequence of digits that may be preceded by a + sign and/or separated by dashes or spaces. In general, it is only allowed to enter one number (e.g.: 698 741 256, + 44-58-74-63-21-47, 00237675231485)
  • Password: any string of at least 8 characters that belongs to at least 3 of the following 4 character categories: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits and special characters. Choose a password that you can easily remember (e.g.: xavi@2017, Roger647, Mini.Minor; counterexamples: honeymoon: lowercase letters only, Tom52$: 6 characters only)
  • Date of birth: dd/mm/yyyy in general (e.g.: 18/02/1996). If your birth date is in the form born about xxxx enter it as 31/12/xxxx (ex: 31/12/1989 for born about 1989)

How do I sign up as a councelor?

The registration of the councelors is done in the background by the administrators of the site. A councelor automatically receives an email notifying him of his registration and informing him about his credentials. It is not possible to subscribe to the platform as a youth or as a partner and subsequently accede to it as a councelor.

Can a young person between the ages of 15 and 35 belong to the "born about" category referred to in the registration form?

Yes, it still happens today in areas where birth declarations are not systematic.

What should I do so that the activation code for my account will be sent to me by SMS?

In principle, you will automatically receive the activation code for your newly created account by SMS (as well as by email) if you have provided a phone number during your registration. But this functionality is temporarily deactivated until the NYO finds a reliable partner for telephone communication services.

How do I know that my profile picture will be updated before I click "Save"?

upload If your profile picture takes on the appearance of the picture opposite, it is that it is about to be updated. This happens after you have selected another image on the disc to be your new profile photo.

What is a box office?

The NYO offers different categories of youth services through its programs. The categories of services include training, employment, project financing, investment support, internships, volunteerism and the youth worksite. These categories of services are referred to as Box office on the ONJ Web Platform.

What is "Youth Construction Site", what does it consist of?

The Youth Construction Site is one of the Box offices that the NYO offers to youth. It is similar to Volunteering but differs by some specificities.

When registering an offer, when selecting the "Training" box office, one more part is added to the form and in this part there is a field named "Target level of studies", what is it?

Each Box office has its own characteristics. For example, for a training offer, it is imperative to know what level of education the beneficiaries will have at the end of the training if they are retained (is it a bachelor degree, a master's degree, a doctorate or something else?), what is the title of the diploma they are going to receive, what will be the duration of the training, where will the courses stand (in a campus or at home in front of his computer?). These different pieces of information do not concern jobs where it is more interesting to know how much you can expect to receive per month, how long the contract will last, etc.
It is to manage all these features that certain parts of the offer's form are only displayed depending on which box office is selected.

What is the "Corporate Name" that is requested on the Partner Registration Form?

The Corporate Name is the name of the partner in its most complete formulation. If the partner is an organization such as a public administration, a private or parastatal corporation, a public institution or an NGO, it is simply the full official name of that organization (e.g.: MINISTRY OF ECONOMY, PLANNING AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT, CAMEROON TELECOMMUNICATIONS, THE UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION). For a physical person, this is the full name of that physical person (e.g.: Martin MIMBANG).

How do I know before I click "Register" that my password is valid, or does it match the one I'm putting up for confirmation?

Password's validation is done on the server side. There is therefore no way to verify the validity of your password before submitting the form.

How do we know we've subscribed to the youth card?

This feature is not yet supported.

Why the rules and the forum help are not displayed?

The forum is being implemented. Some of its features are not yet implemented. This is why the links that allow them to be activated remain silent when they are clicked on.

How do I comment a topic in the forum?

To comment on a topic in the forum, simply click on its name in the topic list. This automatically redirects you to the topic detail page. At the bottom of this page you will see a form allowing you to formulate and post your own comment.

How many districts can a partner add to their profile?

A partner like any user is established in one and only one district that he must specify during his registration. Plutard, when updating his/her profile, will be able to specify in which particular districts (within the one he/she mentioned while registering) he/she is actually present (e.g.: A partner established in the CENTER region may indicate that he/she operates only in the MFOUNDI, LEKIE and MEFOU and AKONO divisions but remains attached to the CENTER region anyway).

Can we have a single account for all platform roles?

No, but you can have different accounts with different roles even if this poses management problems: imagine that someone is registered as a youth and as a counselor at the same time, he/she might end up treating preferably his/her own demands ;).

Why should the partner's capital be expressed in millions of CFA Francs?

It is only a convenience to reduce the number of zeros that a partner must enter to indicate its capital. It will typically be 1.5 instead of 1,500,000 to indicate that its capital is one million five hundred thousand CFA Francs.

What is preventing the removal of civic service from a young person?

The civic service can only be deleted while it's not yet in a state indicating that it has been started by the youth. Once the service has passed into its operational phase, it can only be canceled by the counselor following the youth. The same rule applies to demands.